Resources offered on the website (pictograms, images, locutions or videos), as well as the materials based on them, are published under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA, authorizing their use for non-profit purposes providing the source and the author, and are shared under the same license.
Therefore, the use of these resources within any product or publication for commercial purposes is excluded.
For any other use they are strictly prohibited, without written authorization of the copyright holders, under the sanctions established by law, the total or partial reproduction of these resources by any means or procedure, including reprography and computer processing.
Any work derived from the resources contained in the ARASAAC catalogs (pictograms, images, voiceovers or videos), must be distributed with the same Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA. The author (Sergio Palao), the owner(Gobierno de Aragón), their origin (ARASAAC) and the license under which is distributed (Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA) must be cited.